While we make every effort to ensure a quality product arrives at your door, there are instances where a book is misprinted or damaged and does not get caught by the manufacturer or reseller prior to packing/shipping, or a book is damaged during transit. In either case, we and the reseller want you to be happy with your purchase. We would also appreciate reaching out to resolve any damage claims prior to posting a negative review as the printer, the reseller and we, the publisher, would like the opportunity to make things right!

BOOKS BOUGHT FROM A RESELLER: (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indigo, Walmart, etc):

Damaged Books:

If you receive a damaged book, please contact the reseller in order to have your book replaced.

If the book was damaged as a result of shipping/handling (damaged or improper packaging, folding, etc.) you may also contact the reseller so that they may open a case and ensure your book gets replaced.


Please check with the reseller where you purchased your book or prior to purchasing to see if they accept book returns.


Please check with the reseller where you purchased your book regarding their exchange policy for books.

Books bought directly from The Whamdoozer Company:

If you purchased your books wholesale directly from us (The Whamdoozer Company), please contact us directly with any damage claims by emailing support@whamdoozer.com or calling 250 800 0513

Report unauthorized publications and products:

If you find a reseller or third party selling unauthorized reproductions of our books and products, please let us know! Email info@whamdoozer.com and provide a link to the seller along with any additional information.